Artist Repertory Theatre

Poster Design
Stop Animation

Three mockups of each poster in the Revenge series

The Artists Repertory Theatre is a non-profit organization whose mission “is to produce intimate, provocative theatre and provide a home for artists and audiences to take creative risks.”

The Revenge Series

The project was to create a series of posters that represented three plays with the theme of revenge. When I was brainstorming how to visualize revenge I thought about how the act of revenge is heavy, bold, and usually hasty and messy.

I chose an Astrobright color palette to represent the boldness and shock that is revenge. 
To create a uniform tone between all the posters I chose to make all the photography black and white and the type uniform.

Mockup of Hamlet Poster
Mockup of Sweeny Todd Poster
Mockup of Revenge with Music Poster

Gif of photo and composite process to make Hamlet Poster

Revenge is represented with iconography from each play;
In Hamlet it’s poison. In Sweeny Todd it’s the straight razor. In Revenge with Music it’s represented through the bride at a wedding.

I photographed each element separately and composited the images together in Photoshop to make each poster.


Gif of torn paper revealing Sweeny Todd quote
Gif of torn paper revealing Hamlet Quote
Gif of torn paper revealing revenge quote

Stop Animations

For digital marketing of this campaign I created stop animations that reveal witty and quick quotes from the plays. I pictured these used throughout different social media platforms in order to intise individuals to learn more about the overall campaign.

©Kacie Cooper 2020